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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mental Metamophosis

This one goes out to BLACK HISTORY MONTH... Every month is our month!!! February is short but our history is endless!!!

Mental Metamorphosis....

Most of us know how to define 'metamorphosis'... The dictionary defines it as a profound change from one stage to the next in the history of an organism.

When I refer to it, I'm defining it as a profound change from one stage to the next in the history of the black brain.

Now that I sit and ponder... Throughout my life, my mind has went from one stage to the next. Sometimes it's lost but seldom is it found.

As black people, we have to gone through so many stages. Our identity is still gone with the wind. Think about it...We still have black people in this world who want to be white. We have some who try to bleach their skin because they don't love their skin. There are those who over process their hair to keep it from kinking up in it's natural state. We have some that label other black people as 'niggers,' and the list continues...

We eat off of what is fed to us and most of it is self-hate and lies...

Why do you think slaves were forbidden to learn and to read? The white masters didn't want them to gain smarts because they knew that the black mind was a hell of a weapon and that weapon would be used against them! It's still going on in 2011. Black students are being treated as less important than whites.The same goes for black employees. It's real. I've experienced it firsthand. How about the blacks who don't want their own brothas and sistas to succeed... that didn't come from no where. It's the house slave against the yard slave. The light skin against the dark skin. The fine hair against the coarse hair.

Why do people say that slavery is over? Many people interpret slavery as physical beatings and being owned by white people. If you think about it, we still have mental beatings. We still don't get the same opportunities, and we are still the bottom dogs in the game. Lie to yourself if you want to... Slavery was real and still is... just in a different form. We get beat down and most of us would rather stay down!

Our 1st stage of the black brain comes from what is taught to us. Our parents are who we look to when we are kids. If they didn't teach us about 'us,' then we felt that it wasn't important. Our parents are quick to engrave religion in us... They want us to follow tradition. Why not engrave our black history in us as well? I mean I love Martin Luther King and Harriet Tubman but there's so much more to our history than we will ever know. Children now days only know about Gucci, Nicki, and Travis Porter... We need to tighten up!

Our brain also goes through a stage of identity crisis. We want to find ourselves but don't know how. Think about it... we think that money, cars, jewelry, and all the materialistic things are what makes us and that's where we go wrong at. Black women who use their bodies to get what they want are in this stage. Black men who think money makes them and get lost in the streets may be in this stage as well. I just hope this stage is just a phase!

Knowledge is also a stage of mental metamorphosis. Many of us don't like to deal with this stage. We'd rather see what's in front of us and instead of learn what's happening around us. Knowledge is the most prosperous flower but it's also the deadliest weapon but many of us won't have the flower or the weapon. We won't grow the flower because we don't want to deal with the water to grow the seed. The water is taking the time to learn, to teach, to ask questions when we don't understand, and research for ourselves. If only we knew how to pull that trigger to that weapon of knowledge... instead we keep the safety on by jumping on bandwagons and settling for less. If we initiated our own meaningful aspects of life instead of settling for what 'they' give us then we would be able to pull that trigger!

It's all a mental metamorphosis... we go from one stage to the next but we need to make sense out of each of those stages in order to really get somewhere!

These are my personal thoughts, no one has to agree. When I 1st started my blog, I told you that I'll write what my mind tells me to but I promise not to tell you anything wrong!

Teach your children about their history, don't lie to them. Give them a better chance at life and when I say 'your children' they don't have to be biologically yours!!!