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Saturday, May 22, 2010


Sometimes you just have to let go of all worries and troubles and breathe.... It's not easy but it's more healthy than trying to fix everything at once.... God gave us life but he didn't give us an instruction manual to go along with it so you just have to believe and push forward.

My life, oh my life. I love it but sometimes I let things get the best of me. I'm a worrisome person but I'm working on building stronger faith. As you grow older, you realize that everybody is not going to have your best interest at heart. Some people just want you in their lives, strictly for what you can do for them. Others are truly genuine but sometimes it's hard to distinguish who really cares vs. who could care less.

I'm learning to put a little more focus on "me" because I'm the type to let myself go in order to make sure that others are straight but sometimes I just stop and ask myself.... "Would they do the same for me?"

I can honestly say that I've risen to the point where I only want positivity because anything else is destructive to me. I'm not trying to stay in one spot forever. I believe that I have alot to offer when it comes to love, knowledge, lending a hand, or whatever but I don't want to be taken for granted; I want people in my life who are worthy. I only want people in my life who want me in their lives or I would be setting myself up to be stabbed in the back and let down numerous time. I'm a honest, reliable, and trustworthy friend, girlfriend and family member so I expect others to be the same for me.

I can say that I hate to get weak minded people involved in my life because they find it hard to think for themselves. I mean, you don't have to have it all together because I don't either. A couple of examples would be people who let other people treat them any kind of way because they can't speak up for themselves or people who act one way when they are along with you or by themselves but when they get around others, their whole persona switches up.

I can't stand people who love you when it's convenient for them. I mean if you can love me when everything is all good then you should love me when times are rough and don't think because we may be family that I have to put up with you.... family or not, I never have to put up with you. Another thing is people who only call you when they need something.... if you truly cared, you would call me before you need a ride or some money!!! There comes a point when people get fed up and I guess I'm almost full. No I'm not acting brand new, I'm just opening my eyes to things and releasing the negative energy that has built up because of certain circumstances.

I read an article earlier called "Front Row Seat" ... it was basically explaining that everybody doesn't deserve a front row seat in your life... Some people lean more than they lift you up. Everybody is not going to do right by you but it's up to you to decide if they deserve to sit on the front row in your life.... It's best to love some people from a distance. Now that I think of it, I do have some friends and family members that I love from a distance.

Basically, any companionship, relationship, or friendship that I have with anybody... I expect them to treat me the way they want to be treated. I expect them to put in just as much as I put in. I expect them to be there for me like I'm there for them. Everybody is not going to do that.... we live in such a egotistical world where most are about themselves so I just have to pick out the bad weeds and keep growing my grass without them. I don't like being stressed and I hate being depressed and most of the time, I have control over it but I just go ahead and be helpless instead of doing something about it. It's unhealthy to be stressed and depressed especially when you can point out the reasons for it and work towards fixing it. Stress and depression can really make you ill and maybe even kill you. That's why I'd rather build up an intolerance to unnecessary things than to be tolerant of it.

We all have a choice of who we want around us so choose wisely because you can't change people but you can change who you are around. We all have a choice of how far we will get in life but even if you don't know your direction at first don't just sit there and not do anything atleast set goals for yourself and work on making them happen!

PS: The next time I am stressed, Ima have to look back at this blog and practice what I preach because it's easier said than done and believe me there will be a next time because stress is a common part of doesn't matter who you are!

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