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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Strong Black Love

What happened to the strong black love???

I am very curious as to what has happened to the strong black love??? I mean, I'm young but I remember when couples use to actually give a damn about each other. I remember when marriages actually took their vows seriously and when couples really got to know each other before making those vows. No relationship is perfect but now days people let anything and anyone break their bonds.

What happened to the strong black love???

In my opinion, black love is a very beautiful thing. Now we have many black men who won't even take up time with a black woman. They'd rather have themselves a white woman. Not all black women are bitter. Not all black women have bad attitudes. Not all black women are boring in bed. These are just some of the things that black men have against their black women, against their black queens. If you are one of the black men who think of black women this way, also think of some of the reasons she may be that way. Work a little harder, go beneath the surface....If a black woman is bitter, she's more than likely hurting. If she has an attitude, something more is bothering her. So don't be so quick to judge. You could be the change that she needs. A black woman's love is truly unconditional, sometimes you just have to put up with a little more or work a little harder to get to her heart but once you do, you will be truly blessed to have her love and she will love you even more to know you had patience enough to stick around.

What happened to the strong black love???

There use to be couples who handled their problems at home, who fixed whatever was wrong by coming together without the need of everyone else in their business. Now couples let the world know when they are having problems by dissing their mates in the streets. Getting on the internet and writing about their "supposed" to be loved one for everybody to read. That's not love. Calling up everybody else on the phone asking them what to do is not a good idea either. Everybody doesn't have your best interest at heart. Be grown, if it's love then do what you have to do to keep it and stop putting everybody else in your business.

What happened to the strong black love???

You will go through problems and probably through several relationships before you find the right one. Once you find that real one, realize that the world doesn't revolve around just one in the relationship; it takes two. You may have to make compromises and sacrifices but if your mate is really your soul mate, you wouldn't think twice.

If you feel like you have that love... then cherish every moment of it!!!

I just wanted to know.....
What happened to the strong black love???


  1. Girl that was strong but every single word was so TRUE...I let matt read it too and he was like "dang that's deep, but she's now lying". It hurts to even think that a brother is this way, but it hurts even more when he proves you to be right. I agree with this entire blog Ash, you really touched Matt though, he just looked at me and said i love you my queen...but it shouldnt just be him, it should be all brother's. I wish half of them were as understanding and gentle as Matt. Once everything is said and done, it's all about how you communicated at the end of the day, bc it will either make you or break you. I hope our black males will read this and understand the concept of what is being said. This was deep girl....ur sis, Toya

  2. I'm so happy for you and the fact that you have Matt in your life. Just like you tell me that I've been through a lot and deserve to be happy... I know what you've been through too so Matt is a blessing. Couples like yall are rare so hold on to that... Thanks for reading....

  3. So true not all black women have bad attitudes, however a A LOT of black women that represent us go out and show attitude which is why we have the stereotype now.and another thing that is sickening to me is that I know a lot of black men have more respect for white women than they do black women. Black chivalry is truly just dead
