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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Just A Little 'Lift Up'

We wouldn't be who we are without problems. Problems are problems for a reason. Some are more extreme than others but once the problem is over, we are either changed for the good or for the bad. We should pick up a lesson from it or prepare ourselves to go through it again!!!

I can honestly admit that I'd probably be one of those people to take life for granted if I wouldn't have ever experienced stress and pain in my life. It took that for me to learn, for me to grow. Many times, we would rather just give up and let our problems win but we fail to realize that God knows what he is doing...he knows when to do it, how to do it, and how much to do it.... Our duty is to just trust him because if he puts you in the fire, he sits by the fire and comforts his child. He knows when the flames are too much for us to bear and when he brings you out of that fire, you won't be all ugly and burnt up.... You'll be beautiful and refreshed with a whole new prospective on life!!!

Live, Laugh, Love, Learn, Trust God, and GROW!!!

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