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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My Facebook Statuses Continued...

Most of you who read my blogs are probably my friends on facebook as well... you inspired me to start blogging anyway... There is meaning behind my statuses and here I will elaborate some of my favorite ones ...

"Many people desire 'things in life' with a passion but are afraid of how it may turnout or end so they never take the step to making it begin. Guards are good but can sometimes be a hinderance; you may think you're blocking out bad when u are really preventing the good from reaching u..("THE GREATEST BARRIER TO SUCCESS IS ...THE FEAR OF FAILURE" -Eriksson)...this can apply to school, careers, relationships, creations, etc! "

-There are things that I have wanted to do in life but I was afraid of being let down or failing so I wanted to protect myself by doing nothing at all. Doing nothing can be a huge mistake; you can miss out on a lot. If you yearn for something, it's best you go for it because if you don't succeed at first you can always retrace your steps or learn from your mistakes and go for something even better. You have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Most of the time, if you put your heart into what you really want you'll succeed... After all, if nobody else knows your heart... God does.

"If you acknowledge that you have a problem then you should take your steps towards fixing it."

This is something that I have to tell myself quite often. I know my attitude can be bitchy, I'm a procrastinator at times, ... I'm not going to put all my flaws out there, but I'm only human so YES I HAVE ISSUES... The problem comes in when you know that you have a problem or that you're not on the right track but you do nothing to fix it. Just because other people don't notice your problem too much doesn't mean that you should ignore it. Take the steps towards fixing it and you will become much happier with yourself.

The Famous... "Everything Happens for a reason."

Well we all know that this isn't my personal quote but it is something that I try to live by. I hate to live by it at times because even though everything happens for a reason, you rarely know what the reason is at first. At first, whatever you're going through takes over your logical thinking anyway and you could care less what the reason is... you just want to know WHY!... well think back on the things you went through and I bet you know now why it happened... If not, give it time. There's a story behind everything.

I am going to end this blog by elaborating on one of my favorite statuses...(HAPPINESS). People say they live to make money but think about it... money also leads to happiness, when we have enough money to pay off all our bills and still shop, heck yea we're happy! It's a whole other story when you have money out the a** but you're living miserable, me personally, I'd rather be living comfortably and be happy. When people search for a soul mate or get involved in a new relationship, they want it to lead to happiness. When people start a family, they want the family to be happy. When people search for a career, they want to be happy with what they do. When people choose friends, they want to be happy hanging around them and the list goes on...

"If you want true happiness & it seems like it's hard to find, you may have to sit back and reevaluate your life... the people in it, the company you keep (misery loves company), your attitude you carry, your daily routine and your will power... If you find a problem with any of those then you add or subtract until nothing is left but a better you!"

I'm still pursuing complete happiness and not just moments of happiness. Believe me, I don't think I will get it until I finish all this school and get in the career I want to be in. Everybody's wants and expectations are different. As long as you follow your own heart and do what's best for you then you should be just fine. Being as young as I am, I still have people suggesting I do this or that but regardless, I have to do what I want for myself. I can't live up to everybody else expectations because then I would be living my life for them and this life was given to me. I do take advice though, don't get me wrong and by all means, if you have children you have to live for them as well but I'm speaking otherwise. Living for others won't make you happy, you have to stay true to yourself.

Many of us know
why we aren't happy but we live in denial or we just hope things will get better. It's ok to put your problems in God's hands but remember he helps those who help themselves. If you know that you have certain people in your life holding you back or giving off negativity towards you, your life will be better if you keep minimal contact with them. I'm not saying just kick people to the curb or forget about them but if they're hurting you more than helping you then you'll never be happy. Yes, it's easier said than done so try talking to that person and if they continue to stay on the same path then you already know what you have to do. If you wake up everyday and do the same daily routine or go to your same miserable job, try something new but please don't quit your job before you find a better one... Ashlee didn't tell you to do that lol. Add hobbies to your day, don't waste your day away. Fellas, take your women out on a date then I'm sure both of you will be happy. (Just a suggestion lol) I'm trying to leave Fitzgerald and add more hobbies to my life because I'm not happy here. Maybe later but not now.
You can't expect to be happy without 'will power' you have to be determined before you start any journey... believe me that's the only way you'll reach your destination.

So think about your life, what can you do to make it better and make yourself happy? I'm still working on my answer too!

1 comment:

  1. Whew!!!
    Girl, I'm soaking all this in! Keep it comin' sista!!
