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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Unanswered Questions?

  1. Why is it that women tend to think with their hearts more than their brains?
  2. Why is it so hard for some men to trust but easier for women to love unconditionally?
  3. Why is it that when things are going good, something seems to always turn it bad?
  4. Why is it that God made me with such a sensitive heart and I can't control it?
  5. Why is it such a thin line between love and hate?
  6. Why is it that when people are hurting or they are wrong, they look for somebody else to blame or take it out on? Does it make them feel better?
  7. Why is it so hard for people to just communicate with you, instead they look for another route? Shouldn't we all realize that communication is the key?
  8. Why is it that people have to go through things just to learn lessons?
  9. How can people get rid of hate that they have inside? (I know this answer, I had to do it)
  10. How is it that people can have so much pride that they can never be wrong and that pride holds them back from doing what needs to be done? (pride suppose to be a good thing but some people abuse it)
  11. How can a reliable person be left alone when they need someone to rely on?
  12. Why do women who have been hurt label all men as 'no good' just because of what was done to them in previous relationships?
  13. Why is it hard for people to realize when they have somebody good on their side even when things aren't perfect?
  14. Why don't people realize what they have until it's gone?
  15. Why can't people see that the grass on their side is actually greener than the grass on the other side?
This is only half of the unanswered questions I have... give me your honest answers in a comment please! If you can't answer all just try and give me 1 or 2 answers because I've always wondered these things.


  1. Ok to my readers... if you don't have a order to post... click the box and go down and choose anonymous before you choose 'post comment'... to let me know who u are just leave me your 1st name or initials... thanx!

  2. 1.still trying to figure this one out myself
    2.because believe it or not men are weaker wen it comes to love than woman.. alot of men want to commit but some hav had the no good females, some dont wana b faithful to a girl then found out later she is unfaithful.. dat situation usually turn to violence. then you got your homebois in your ear tellin you that your dumb if you be faithful to jus one girl wen its girls everywhere, then you got your girls that go after men dat are already taken and most men crack at the temptaion especially if she iz a pretty girl.
    3.thats how life goes or any situation you ever come across n life... you are gona hav your bad times.. prayer and believin always overcome any bad situation
    4.he made me the same way... jus look at yourself as a chosen one.. if he made you that way it was for a reason and it will pay off n the end..
    5.hmmmm another one im tryna figure out..
    6.some people it make feel better. others jus wana leave each situation believing anything that went bad wasnt their fault.
    7.yez it is.. and when you dont you are setting yourself up for failure. reading minds is impossible. lack of communication kills relationships.
    8.because you want know the negative part of the situation unless you go thru it.. you can hear bout it all day and night but until you experience it yourself you will never know..
    9.pray... is all i cn think of
    10.cause alot of people think the world starts and end with them.. those people will get a huge reality one day and all that pride stuff go out the window.. trust i knw dis one personally.
    11.because finding a true person you can rely on is hard to find because again most people dont wana b around unless everything going good.. then wen itz not they turn into a ghost.. you have a gift of being a sweet reliable person.. finding somebody else like dat iz very hard.
    12.because those women dont learn from their first bad experience. and after the first bad experience they try to replace thinkn it helps ease their mind but not really lukn at anything else which cause them to b right bak at step 1. get to know the guy real gud before sex,meeting parents,staying the night,kissing etc. we as guys are pretty much predictable.. we will eventually let you knw wat kind of guy we r
    13. dont know but it seem like itz a blind eye phase dat everybody go thru in life.. somebody n tyler perry movie... y did i get married... the first one.. described this one good.. wen he was talkin bout the 80/20 rule..
    14.the 80/20 rule applies to dis one to... wen they leave wat they got they think at the moment they are getting better not yet knowing that wat they had iz so much better..
    15.either blind to the fact or jus dont wana know... experience iz the best teacher tho.


  3. Wow...Donte I love your answers...I probably would have answered the same on alot of them. Although, I have to review the 80/20 rule. I wouldn't expect a man to answer like this. (no offense). I'm loving your #7

  4. 1. cause we trust our hearts to lead us the right way.
    2.some men go through alot in there lifes with ppl in and out of them they won't know what is real or not. see how u will handle them or to test u make u love and to show what he can do inside and outside but having that kind of heart is not bad
    5.cause ppl have different emotions just happens nobody never knows when when they r doing it it just comes out and it kinda does make them feel better i don't know y but it does.
    7.some ppl think that if they communicate with u they might say something wrong that is y they don't sometimes or something might or been said and they would not know how to come to u and talk and yeah it is the biggest key in the world
    8.some ppl won't listen to other ppl they got to go throught it to learn
    9.they talk to the person or forgive and move on or act grown about it
    10.idk i wish nobody had pride i got it and it is hard to forppl to tell me that something is wrong or right they just have big heads.
    11.idk just to stop being the reliable and get somebody to rely on
    12.they feel like there is nobody to trust but themselves and they feel like if they love themselves more won't nobody love them more
    13.they been done wrong so many times they feel like they won't know who the right person is if they was right in front of them. i am going throught it right now cuz
    14.idk what to tell u bout that
    15.cause so much drama or what eva they go through is way to much to see it
    lakeya spooney

  5. 1. because the brain is's gonna let us know what we need. but the unclear because we're usually blinded by what we WANT.

    2.because it's how some of us were brought up..although it's bad..the black man is considered "weak" by some of us> if he expresses himself and shows vulnerability.

    3. If things always go our way, we will start to take things for granted. we won't appreciate the little things.

    4. well i'm pretty sensitive myself..because he trusts you such much. He knows you will use your heart for good.we don't want to be able to control it. that would be scary..just like a person with no conscience.

    5. with love there's passion..and that same passion you use to love them..can turn into anger..and make you do something really stupid.. using that old heart again instead of the brain.

    6.i've always heard that a hurt person can only hurt. it's easier to blame others.. it would take too much courage to take some of it. we don't want to admit when we're wrong..

    7. because it's not what they're used to. and many of us are so afraid of change because of what others think of us!

    8. if you never fight, you will never be a good fighter.

    9. Pray..and actually WANT what you're praying for. some of us pray and don't really want it.

    10. Not many people want to admit when they're wrong. Some people have been raised to have everything their when they become older, they still have this sense of entitlement. That's why it's important to teach us as children so we will do right as adults.

    11. I feel like that. The people we're there for are so consumed with themselves that they don't think that we also have problems. Sometimes it's the shield we use.

    12. Because it's always easier to use that label instead of taking responsibility of who we choose. Lots of times, God gives us red flags..we choose to ignore that and try to hang on anyway.Thinking that we can change him..when in reality, we need to work on ourselves and then we'll know what we will or won't deal with.

    13. Because they're blinded by the ones who has done them wrong.

    14. They don't think that it'll ever leave them. "oh it won't happen to me".." she/he aint going nowhere.."

    15.A lot of people don't take the time to know themselves or their mate. so they don't really pay attention of their own qualities or the ones of their mate. instead remain shallow and go for what "looks" good instead of what's good for them.

    Tara D.

  6. Good answers Keya and Tara... u smart girl lol. It's always good to see other peoples opinions on things #1 is very true.
