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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Right or Wrong?

Ok... this blog is just a spur of the moment thing... Me and my boyfriend were just walking out the house earlier tonight and heard sirens. I didn't think much of it, but come to find out a dude had been shot and killed. Yep, another brother down in the small counties of Ben Hill/Irwin. Not to mention, Coffee Co.

I guess that's all there is in the country for the younger generation is violence and bandwagons. You would think that all the craziness goes on in the bigger cities but the country towns are just as bad. The population is already low, hell before you know it everybody will disappear if we keep going at the rate we've been going at.

I don't have any biological children to tell anyone how to raise theirs, but please start them off young to know the difference between right and wrong. Better yet, influence them to want right and not wrong. Kids today lack guidance. I know parents who ask their kids for weed and they sit down and smoke together....a big problem and that's not even the worst.

People send their children to school to learn and once 2:45 hits, that's all that kids learn until the next school day. I'm surprised if they even learn there. The school gets paid for what they teach out of text books. But as black people, we'll pay a bigger price if we don't teach children more than what they learn from a text book! We should teach them about their race, give them knowledge of where they come from. Let them know what life may throw at them. Stop LYING to them and let them know what's real out there. I'm sorry but racism is still all the way live (just had to throw that in there). Think about it, the only black people that children really learn about at school are Harriet Tubman or Martin Luther King... and that's only for 1 month. So please teach them.

Teach them about the 'bandwagons' that I mentioned above. Even adults fail to realize that you do not have to fit in with everyone else; then you would lose your uniqueness. I'd rather stand out alone than to blend in and not be noticed. People just follow stupidity now days but I have a low tolerance for stupidity. Just jumping on the bandwagon may lead you to a path where you don't really want to be. I guess that's why I stay to myself a lot. Teach your children to define who they are and not let others mess that up. Even if you don't have children or you're a young adult like me, you can still reach out to help these kids in some kind of way.

People would rather be liked than to be right. Learn to be a leader and not forever a follower!


  1. Seneless killing will always be present until people start placing a higher value on life. This world is being stripped of all compassion and when you turn on the television or the radio we can see why! Parents don't raise these kids anymore technology does and until we live in a society where parents are actually mature enough to BE parents the cycle will continue. I agree with you completely about our history. I look at so many children now a days who are looking up to these idiots placed in front of us as distractions wanting to let the know that there's soo much more to our race! And the fact that they choose to omit it in the school system shows our history's power! Everything is easier said than done but this society needs a wake up call!...your blog is helping in that process Miss Ashlee!! P.S F@*k bandwagons! Lol

  2. So true Tasha, maturity doesn't exist for some people.It's good to see that there are people who actually care and thank u for following me!

  3. You are so true Ashlee. The most awesome thing you shared was the "bandwagon" concept. As a mother of a teenager, I face this challenge almost daily. My son especially was moved by the "losing of uniqueness" when you "jump on the bandwagon." If our youth could grasp the importance of being a leader and not a follower (or at least following someone with the same goals, morals, and aspirations as themselves) then we could start to see a small glimmer of light at the end of the "teen"tunnel.

    Home must be the starting point. So....if there is any breakdown in parental skills (i.e. failing to teach good coping and conflict resolution skills, failure to teach the child to love himself and show respect for not only himself but others, failure to teach the importance of respecting authority, etc.) then you will continue to see the gradual destruction in our society and the continued disrespect that we, as African Americans, have for ouselves.
    Community effort is KEY, but that's a whole 'nother blog topic (smile).

    Continue to post Ashlee. Believe it or not, you are making an impact.

  4. @RN_Jay... it really surprised me when you told me that your son read my posts on facebook then it kinda touched me when he told me I be hitting home with him. At 1st I was nervous to share my thoughts with the world b/c I'm a private person but as long as it makes a difference, I'll come out of my shell.
