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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Why Complain?

Complaining about a problem is pointless if you're not going to put anything towards changing it. No need to complain if you're willing to let the problem maintain! -Ashlee S. Jones

Everytime I turn around, people are complaining about this and that; how they are so tired. Then why not do something about it? least try! I use to complain about my problems all the time and sometimes I still fall into it but we as people, do have a choice. I'm not saying that you have a choice to stop the problem; sometimes you don't but you do have the choice to try and fix the problem/situation.

People are always complaining about the conditions that we are in today but once there is a complaint there is also a finger being pointed at somebody else. The irrelevant time spent pointing fingers at others and trying to find somebody to blame, could be the productive time spent on fixing yourself and your own problems. We live in a egotistical world where people are only concerned about themselves so you can't just sit back and wait for somebody else to fix your problems... you WILL be waiting forever!

I just don't understand the point in complaining if you're just going to sit on your butt and let the problem continue to go on and maybe even worsen. Many problems that people complain about are problems that can be solved with a little will power. I hate to hear people complain about how they are being treated but they stick around and continue to accept the treatment. Obviously a problem is not defined as a problem until it is undergoing construction because if nothing is being done to solve it then it's simply okay (no complaint is needed)!

1 comment:

  1. Well said Ashlee. We give our problems waaaaaay too much power. As a result we are drained both mentally and physically (i.e. stress induced ulcers and heart attacks). Every problem has a solution. It's how we choose to tackle it as to whether or not it will be solved...
